Our Mission

To sustainably create opportunities for both young and adults to attain experiential learning from flourishing farms for impactful careers in agriculture.

Our Vision

Become a steadfast modern and future times company that promotes experiential learning as the perpetual way of building an impactful career in agriculture.

The founders undertook studies in agriculture at Masters, Bachelors, Diploma levels. They also enhanced their skills and knowledge through international and national internships and apprenticeships in Israel, USA, Sweden and Uganda respectively working at modern farms and Research and Development stations as research assistants and trainees.

The founders have a strong agricultural background as they have been practicing farming themselves. This gives them the best experience and a deeper understanding of the skills needed and gaps in the agricultural sector.
Generally, we believe that learning by doing creates a higher level of retention of knowledge and skills for impactful lifelong engagement in the agriculture sector. 

Summary of what we have done

We have recruited and linked aspiring and progressing farmers from Africa to flourishing local and international farms in Uganda, Europe, and North America for experiential learning and agro-tourism in various agricultural value chains.

Our former and current participants have had an opportunity to learn up to date practical skills and knowledge from experienced farmers and successfully applied them in their agribusinesses for gainful employment. 

Our Team

Trainees & Internees Stories 

Olwoch - UGANDA

Sandrine- RWANDA

Lukori - UGANDA

Esoot - UGANDA

Head Office
Plot 27, Nakasero Road
P.O.Box 110889, Kampala

Mbale Office
Plot 2134, Block1 Nakibiso - Mbale

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